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temporary residence permit中文是什么意思

用"temporary residence permit"造句"temporary residence permit"怎么读"temporary residence permit" in a sentence


  • 暂住证


  • What punishment will people refusing to apply for a temporary residence permit receive
  • Debates on temporary residence permit system and necessity for adopting it
  • Currently the longest term of validity for temporary residence permits in beijing is one year
  • What are the differences between residence permit and temporary residence permit for foreign experts
  • After the weakening of the power to enforce temporary residence permits , how big a floating population does beijing actually have
  • After the abolition in 2003 of the " management method for internment and repatriation " , many cities in china cancelled temporary residence permits
  • According to a grassroots police officer , after 2003 , the registration of temporary residence permits mostly depended on the people taking the initiative
    据北京一基层民警讲, 2003年后,办暂住证主要靠群众主动。
  • Will the temporary residence permit serve as an identity document for members of the floating population staying temporarily in beijing over the olympics or not
  • For example , in beijing , temporary residence permits can be issued to people staying for over three months , which may be renewed at the expiry of one year
    例如在北京, “暂住证”可发给长住三个月以上人员,暂住满壹年可办理延期手续。
  • For example , in beijing , temporary residence permits can be issued to people staying for over three months , which may be renewed at the expiry of one year
    例如在北京, “暂住证”可发给长住三个月以上人员,暂住满壹年可办理延期手续。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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